The things that stick as kids grow, are the places they went, the books they read, the taste of salt in their mouth after a dive in a salty ocean or sitting around the fireplace roasting marshmallows after a day at the beach. These are the things that leave an imprint on a child’s heart. Sure, as an adult I wonder if the coyote was ever caught by the road runner or how did the Teletubbies communicate if they barely said a word? but these are all fleeting thoughts that did not shape who I am or have become as a person. The things that truly molded me are the experiences away from our small box television. It was my chicken coop and maize garden in our back yard, reading Nancy Drews and Boxcar children – imagining what an adventure of a life – sign me up! So take the time to invest in those memories away from that box – your kids will thank you later.