The days are long (and cold)..the years are short

The days are long the years are short. Soak it all up they said. We hear that over and over again. It is hard in the thick of a Canadian winter to bundle up and head out in frigid temperatures. Yet once we are all out and pelting each other with snow balls, making snow angels begins, the twenty minutes of pulling and tugging at snow suits is a distant memory. Last week was -1 degree Celsius. Cabin fever was up a notch so this mummy shark decided to bundle up, grab the walnuts to go feed squirrels and head out with the tots. It was a gorgeous short hike – they loved it. They pulled at branches, jumped from snow embarkments as they ‘avoided the hot lava.” Nature sparks creativity and imagination in kids in a way that being indoors cannot do. So yes seasons change, and as they change so do our kids. Let not winters pass you by indoors as you wait for the cold to “go away” – we really have such a short time to pour into their lives – Lets make it count. There is a great challenge being done by our friend Ginny at 1000hours – follow the link to learn more…Basically the goal is to get a tracking sheet and by the end of the year have clocked 1000 hours outdoors with the kids.

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