Board Games – start them early, play them often

Growing up as a kid in the 90s, we played board games. My siblings and I were so competitive it was so all fun and games until it was not all fun and games. Not everyone got a trophy for showing up. Second place was as good as last and so on and so forth. I look back on these moments and my heart is filled with warmth as it filled our childhood days with laughter, fun and just good cheer. Little did I know how board-games were helping us on so many levels – counting money in Monopoly, learning to take risk, strategy, learning to loose etc etc. So the other day while at the Thrift store I picked up two board games and said hey what the heck – lets give it a shot. One was a version of Snakes n Ladders and the other was Junior scrabble. The kids got into it! Well my son more than my daughter – he played to win. He was not there for second runner up and win he did. I smiled. The board game legacy continues. Try it, for so little you can engage with your kids for an hour or so and in the process they are picking up so many skills they will use later in life.

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