When morning T.V becomes an atomic habit

I loved waking up on Saturday mornings when I was a child, making tea for the whole family then sitting down on the couch and watching cartoons from Road Runner to Care Bears and Captain Planet – yes I am a 90s baby. It just filled up my love tank. It was a beautiful part of my childhood. Now that I think about it, no one was up in arms, or had their undies in a bunch that I would become addicted because of watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. So what’s all the fuss about morning TV in todays day and age? The main thing with morning T.V is when it moves from once in a while morning entertainment (say weekends) to the every day first thing in the morning “go-to” before school / daycare Monday to Friday.It is when it becomes a habit that you may want to re-evaluate your morning routines.Young kids brains are like playdough – they mould and adapt to whatever constant reinforcement you give them. The more of something you give their brains, the more they want and expect more of said thing.

In the mornings as adults after a good night sleep our brains are raring to go. The brain has replenished energy stores, allowed space for new memories etc. So imagine how the brains of little ones are ready in the morning to soak up information like a sponge – learn new words, new concepts etc etc. Because of its passivity in nature, morning TV in a way pumps the breaks on creativity and productive thinking. You are consuming more than you are creating – I think that applies with a lot of digital media we consume.

So you want to set kids up for success in the mornings. Especially those early risers – we all have that one kid – who just cannot sleep in after the first ray of sunlight no matter how many light blocking curtains or essential chamomile oils used. Wont do it. Setting them up could mean maybe having their breakfast laid out for them on the kitchen counter, have a box stacked with things that can keep them busy for at least half an hour to an hour – board books, loose end toys, puzzles etc. Initially there will be pushback – especially when their brains are so used to that “dopamine fix” every morning; so be ready to have them walk away from your well thought out activity box and march right into your room requesting their device / screen. Hold your ground. It will be hard but like all things that start off hard, they will be worth it. Then one day you will wake up and you will walk in and find your little one sitting playing with the box you worked so hard to put together,cheerios around them and you will smile because like with all things parenting – eventually everything comes together.

So happy mornings and lets preserve the early years!

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