The Empty Playground phenomenon

Many times when we go to the local playground – my kids and I are usually met by empty swing sets. Granted schools are back in session, though honestly it feels pretty much standard all year round. Not that I mind so much – it actually takes away some of the pressures of having to feel like the lax parent “not supervising their child” or teach my kids how to play or go down and not up the slide (which by the way comes naturally to kids).

I look around though and see many of these playgrounds are in the midst of residential homes which well-meaning parents have taken mortgages out on to raise their kids in a good surburb. But where are the kids playing? no laughter, the fields are large and empty, no bikes or chalk mark on the roads. Where are the kids? Are the playgrounds boring? I am curious about the rise of nature & adventure playgrounds and will write about it someday. But for day –

Modern day childhood is in peril. Kids need less worksheets and more playtime / recess. More reading aloud and less standardized testing. Let them play or lets build more exciting playgrounds.

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