Screens 'n' kids Podcast
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Welcome to the Screens 'n' Kids podcast, a place where we engage the experts, learn and hear real stories from parents; all in a quest to preserve the innocence of the early years of childhood.

Our first guest this season, is a dad of three who has been swimming with sharks and diving in bat caves as part of his research work, but what says scares him the most is what kids are missing out on in their childhood by being constantly on devices.

Jennifer Allen is a mum of three who is the founder behind Wonders Within Reach – a special needs based travel family organization. Together with her husband and three kids, they hike bike and travel sharing in their experiences.

Michael Jacobus has been a leader in the Summer Camp landscape for over 30 years. 3 years ago however, he started the 1st summer camp program in the world to treat unhealthy screen time overuse and gaming addiction…
Michael Jacobus has been a leader in the Summer Camp landscape for over 30 years. 3 years ago however, he started the 1st summer camp program in the world to treat unhealthy screen time overuse and gaming addiction…
reSET Summer camp is a 4-week immersive program out of Santa Barbara, California where youth are hosted on university campuses to experience what life might be like after leaving home to attend college or just getting out on their own in an apartment.
At the camp, the kids learn basic life skills from as simple as boiling an egg to financial literacy. It was such a deep dive of a conversation – from the role of dopamine in gaming creation to the role of parents in either enabling or disabling excess gaming use. What I really loved was hearing about the spark return in kids eyes who had previously been gaming for hours on end. Take a listen